Log Class


Log class.

It is used to setup a custom log output function.


Sets custom log output function.

C: void easyar_Log_setLogFunc(easyar_FunctorOfVoidFromLogLevelAndString func)
C++17: static void setLogFunc(std::function<void(LogLevel, std::string)> func)
Traditional C++: static void setLogFunc(FunctorOfVoidFromLogLevelAndString func)
Java: public static void setLogFunc(@Nonnull FunctorOfVoidFromLogLevelAndString func)
Kotlin: companion object fun setLogFunc(func: FunctorOfVoidFromLogLevelAndString): Unit
Objective-C: + (void)setLogFunc:(void (^)(easyar_LogLevel level, NSString * message))func
Swift: public static func setLogFunc(_ `func`: @escaping (LogLevel, String) -> Void) -> Void
C#: public static void setLogFunc(Action<LogLevel, string> func)


Clears custom log output function and reverts to default log output function.

C: void easyar_Log_resetLogFunc(void)
C++17: static void resetLogFunc()
Traditional C++: static void resetLogFunc()
Java: public static void resetLogFunc()
Kotlin: companion object fun resetLogFunc(): Unit
Objective-C: + (void)resetLogFunc
Swift: public static func resetLogFunc() -> Void
C#: public static void resetLogFunc()