BlockInfo Record


The dense reconstructed model is represented by triangle mesh, or simply denoted as mesh. Because mesh updates frequently, in order to ensure efficiency, the mesh of the whole reconstruction model is divided into many mesh blocks. A mesh block is composed of a cube about 1 meter long, with attributes such as vertices and indices.

BlockInfo is used to describe the content of a mesh block. (x, y, z) is the index of mesh block, the coordinates of a mesh block's origin in world coordinate system can be obtained by multiplying (x, y, z) by the physical size of mesh block. You may filter the part you want to display in advance by the mesh block's world coordinates for the sake of saving rendering time.


x in index (x, y, z) of mesh block.

C: int x
C++11: int x
Traditional C++: int x
Java: public int x
Kotlin: public Int x
Objective-C: @property (nonatomic) int x
Swift: public var x: Int32
C#: public int x


y in index (x, y, z) of mesh block.

C: int y
C++11: int y
Traditional C++: int y
Java: public int y
Kotlin: public Int y
Objective-C: @property (nonatomic) int y
Swift: public var y: Int32
C#: public int y


z in index (x, y, z) of mesh block.

C: int z
C++11: int z
Traditional C++: int z
Java: public int z
Kotlin: public Int z
Objective-C: @property (nonatomic) int z
Swift: public var z: Int32
C#: public int z


Number of vertices in a mesh block.

C: int numOfVertex
C++11: int numOfVertex
Traditional C++: int numOfVertex
Java: public int numOfVertex
Kotlin: public Int numOfVertex
Objective-C: @property (nonatomic) int numOfVertex
Swift: public var numOfVertex: Int32
C#: public int numOfVertex


startPointOfVertex is the starting position of the vertex data stored in the vertex buffer, indicating from where the stored vertices belong to current mesh block. It is not equal to the number of bytes of the offset from the beginning of vertex buffer. The offset is startPointOfVertex*3*4 bytes.

C: int startPointOfVertex
C++11: int startPointOfVertex
Traditional C++: int startPointOfVertex
Java: public int startPointOfVertex
Kotlin: public Int startPointOfVertex
Objective-C: @property (nonatomic) int startPointOfVertex
Swift: public var startPointOfVertex: Int32
C#: public int startPointOfVertex


The number of indices in a mesh block. Each of three consecutive vertices form a triangle.

C: int numOfIndex
C++11: int numOfIndex
Traditional C++: int numOfIndex
Java: public int numOfIndex
Kotlin: public Int numOfIndex
Objective-C: @property (nonatomic) int numOfIndex
Swift: public var numOfIndex: Int32
C#: public int numOfIndex


Similar to startPointOfVertex. startPointOfIndex is the starting position of the index data stored in the index buffer, indicating from where the stored indices belong to current mesh block. It is not equal to the number of bytes of the offset from the beginning of index buffer. The offset is startPointOfIndex*3*4 bytes.

C: int startPointOfIndex
C++11: int startPointOfIndex
Traditional C++: int startPointOfIndex
Java: public int startPointOfIndex
Kotlin: public Int startPointOfIndex
Objective-C: @property (nonatomic) int startPointOfIndex
Swift: public var startPointOfIndex: Int32
C#: public int startPointOfIndex


Version represents how many times the mesh block has updated. The larger the version, the newer the block. If the version of a mesh block increases after calling DenseSpatialMap.updateSceneMesh , it indicates that the mash block has changed.

C: int version
C++11: int version
Traditional C++: int version
Java: public int version
Kotlin: public Int version
Objective-C: @property (nonatomic) int version
Swift: public var version: Int32
C#: public int version