VideoInputFramePlayer Class¶
Input frame player.
There is an input frame output port. It can be used to get input frame from an EIF MKV file. Refer to Overview .
All members of this class is thread-safe.
Checks if the component is available. It returns true only on Windows.
- C
bool easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer_isAvailable(void)
- C++
static bool isAvailable()
- Java
public static boolean isAvailable()
- Kotlin
companion object fun isAvailable(): Boolean
- Objective-C
+ (bool)isAvailable
- Swift
public static func isAvailable() -> Bool
- C#
public static bool isAvailable()
Output port.
- C
void easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer_output(easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer * This, easyar_InputFrameSource * * Return)
- C++
std::shared_ptr<InputFrameSource> output()
- Java
public @Nonnull InputFrameSource output()
- Kotlin
fun output(): InputFrameSource
- Objective-C
- (easyar_InputFrameSource *)output
- Swift
public func output() -> InputFrameSource
- C#
public virtual InputFrameSource output()
Output port for accelerometer result. See also AccelerometerResultSource .
- C
void easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer_accelerometerResultSource(easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer * This, easyar_AccelerometerResultSource * * Return)
- C++
std::shared_ptr<AccelerometerResultSource> accelerometerResultSource()
- Java
public @Nonnull AccelerometerResultSource accelerometerResultSource()
- Kotlin
fun accelerometerResultSource(): AccelerometerResultSource
- Objective-C
- (easyar_AccelerometerResultSource *)accelerometerResultSource
- Swift
public func accelerometerResultSource() -> AccelerometerResultSource
- C#
public virtual AccelerometerResultSource accelerometerResultSource()
Output port for gyroscope result. See also GyroscopeResultSource .
- C
void easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer_gyroscopeResultSource(easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer * This, easyar_GyroscopeResultSource * * Return)
- C++
std::shared_ptr<GyroscopeResultSource> gyroscopeResultSource()
- Java
public @Nonnull GyroscopeResultSource gyroscopeResultSource()
- Kotlin
fun gyroscopeResultSource(): GyroscopeResultSource
- Objective-C
- (easyar_GyroscopeResultSource *)gyroscopeResultSource
- Swift
public func gyroscopeResultSource() -> GyroscopeResultSource
- C#
public virtual GyroscopeResultSource gyroscopeResultSource()
Output port for attitude sensor. See also AttitudeSensorResultSource .
- C
void easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer_attitudeSensorResultSource(easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer * This, easyar_AttitudeSensorResultSource * * Return)
- C++
std::shared_ptr<AttitudeSensorResultSource> attitudeSensorResultSource()
- Java
public @Nonnull AttitudeSensorResultSource attitudeSensorResultSource()
- Kotlin
fun attitudeSensorResultSource(): AttitudeSensorResultSource
- Objective-C
- (easyar_AttitudeSensorResultSource *)attitudeSensorResultSource
- Swift
public func attitudeSensorResultSource() -> AttitudeSensorResultSource
- C#
public virtual AttitudeSensorResultSource attitudeSensorResultSource()
Output port for magnetometer. See also MagnetometerResultSource .
- C
void easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer_magnetometerResultSource(easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer * This, easyar_MagnetometerResultSource * * Return)
- C++
std::shared_ptr<MagnetometerResultSource> magnetometerResultSource()
- Java
public @Nonnull MagnetometerResultSource magnetometerResultSource()
- Kotlin
fun magnetometerResultSource(): MagnetometerResultSource
- Objective-C
- (easyar_MagnetometerResultSource *)magnetometerResultSource
- Swift
public func magnetometerResultSource() -> MagnetometerResultSource
- C#
public virtual MagnetometerResultSource magnetometerResultSource()
Output port for location result. See also LocationResultSource .
- C
void easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer_locationResultSource(easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer * This, easyar_LocationResultSource * * Return)
- C++
std::shared_ptr<LocationResultSource> locationResultSource()
- Java
public @Nonnull LocationResultSource locationResultSource()
- Kotlin
fun locationResultSource(): LocationResultSource
- Objective-C
- (easyar_LocationResultSource *)locationResultSource
- Swift
public func locationResultSource() -> LocationResultSource
- C#
public virtual LocationResultSource locationResultSource()
Output port for proximity location result. See also ProximityLocationResultSource .
- C
void easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer_proximityLocationResultSource(easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer * This, easyar_ProximityLocationResultSource * * Return)
- C++
std::shared_ptr<ProximityLocationResultSource> proximityLocationResultSource()
- Java
public @Nonnull ProximityLocationResultSource proximityLocationResultSource()
- Kotlin
fun proximityLocationResultSource(): ProximityLocationResultSource
- Objective-C
- (easyar_ProximityLocationResultSource *)proximityLocationResultSource
- Swift
public func proximityLocationResultSource() -> ProximityLocationResultSource
- C#
public virtual ProximityLocationResultSource proximityLocationResultSource()
Creates an instance.
- C
void easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer_create(easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer * * Return)
- C++
static std::shared_ptr<VideoInputFramePlayer> create()
- Java
public static @Nonnull VideoInputFramePlayer create()
- Kotlin
companion object fun create(): VideoInputFramePlayer
- Objective-C
+ (easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer *)create
- Swift
public static func create() -> VideoInputFramePlayer
- C#
public static VideoInputFramePlayer create()
Starts frame play.
- C
bool easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer_start(easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer * This, easyar_String * filePath)
- C++
bool start(std::string filePath)
- Java
public boolean start(java.lang.@Nonnull String filePath)
- Kotlin
fun start(filePath: String): Boolean
- Objective-C
- (bool)start:(NSString *)filePath
- Swift
public func start(_ filePath: String) -> Bool
- C#
public virtual bool start(string filePath)
Stops frame play.
- C
void easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer_stop(easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer * This)
- C++
void stop()
- Java
public void stop()
- Kotlin
fun stop(): Unit
- Objective-C
- (void)stop
- Swift
public func stop() -> Void
- C#
public virtual void stop()
Pauses frame play.
- C
void easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer_pause(easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer * This)
- C++
void pause()
- Java
public void pause()
- Kotlin
fun pause(): Unit
- Objective-C
- (void)pause
- Swift
public func pause() -> Void
- C#
public virtual void pause()
Resumes frame play.
- C
bool easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer_resume(easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer * This)
- C++
bool resume()
- Java
public boolean resume()
- Kotlin
fun resume(): Boolean
- Objective-C
- (bool)resume
- Swift
public func resume() -> Bool
- C#
public virtual bool resume()
Total expected playback time span. The unit is second. If recording halts improperly, it may be missing.
- C
easyar_OptionalOfDouble easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer_totalTime(easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer * This)
- C++
std::optional<double> totalTime()
- Java
public java.lang.@Nullable Double totalTime()
- Kotlin
fun totalTime(): Double?
- Objective-C
- (NSNumber *)totalTime
- Swift
public func totalTime() -> Double?
- C#
public virtual Optional<double> totalTime()
Current playback time point. The unit is second. The initial value is 0.
- C
double easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer_currentTime(easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer * This)
- C++
double currentTime()
- Java
public double currentTime()
- Kotlin
fun currentTime(): Double
- Objective-C
- (double)currentTime
- Swift
public func currentTime() -> Double
- C#
public virtual double currentTime()
Whether the current playback time point can be relocated. If recording halts improperly, index data to set playback time point may be missing.
- C
bool easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer_isSeekable(const easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer * This)
- C++
bool isSeekable()
- Java
public boolean isSeekable()
- Kotlin
fun isSeekable(): Boolean
- Objective-C
- (bool)isSeekable
- Swift
public func isSeekable() -> Bool
- C#
public virtual bool isSeekable()
Sets current playback time point. The unit is second. If index data is missing, it returns false.
- C
bool easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer_seek(easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer * This, double time)
- C++
bool seek(double time)
- Java
public boolean seek(double time)
- Kotlin
fun seek(time: Double): Boolean
- Objective-C
- (bool)seek:(double)time
- Swift
public func seek(_ time: Double) -> Bool
- C#
public virtual bool seek(double time)
Current playback speed. The initial value is 1.
- C
double easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer_speed(const easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer * This)
- C++
double speed()
- Java
public double speed()
- Kotlin
fun speed(): Double
- Objective-C
- (double)speed
- Swift
public func speed() -> Double
- C#
public virtual double speed()
Sets current playback speed.
- C
void easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer_setSpeed(easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer * This, double _value)
- C++
void setSpeed(double _value)
- Java
public void setSpeed(double value)
- Kotlin
fun setSpeed(value: Double): Unit
- Objective-C
- (void)setSpeed:(double)_value
- Swift
public func setSpeed(_ value: Double) -> Void
- C#
public virtual void setSpeed(double @value)
The initial screen rotation when recording data.
- C
int easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer_initalScreenRotation(easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer * This)
- C++
int initalScreenRotation()
- Java
public int initalScreenRotation()
- Kotlin
fun initalScreenRotation(): Int
- Objective-C
- (int)initalScreenRotation
- Swift
public func initalScreenRotation() -> Int32
- C#
public virtual int initalScreenRotation()
The metadata when recording data.
- C
void easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer_metadata(easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer * This, easyar_String * * Return)
- C++
std::string metadata()
- Java
public java.lang.@Nonnull String metadata()
- Kotlin
fun metadata(): String
- Objective-C
- (NSString *)metadata
- Swift
public func metadata() -> String
- C#
public virtual string metadata()
Whether the playback is completed.
- C
bool easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer_isCompleted(easyar_VideoInputFramePlayer * This)
- C++
bool isCompleted()
- Java
public boolean isCompleted()
- Kotlin
fun isCompleted(): Boolean
- Objective-C
- (bool)isCompleted
- Swift
public func isCompleted() -> Bool
- C#
public virtual bool isCompleted()