Gyroscope Class¶
- C
void easyar_Gyroscope__ctor(easyar_Gyroscope * * Return)
- C++
- Java
public Gyroscope()
- Kotlin
- Objective-C
+ (easyar_Gyroscope *) create
- Swift
public convenience init()
- C#
public Gyroscope()
Checks if the component is available. It returns true only on Android or iOS with supported hardware. On other operating systems, it is not supported.
- C
bool easyar_Gyroscope_isAvailable(easyar_Gyroscope * This)
- C++
bool isAvailable()
- Java
public boolean isAvailable()
- Kotlin
fun isAvailable(): Boolean
- Objective-C
- (bool)isAvailable
- Swift
public func isAvailable() -> Bool
- C#
public virtual bool isAvailable()
Output port.
- C
void easyar_Gyroscope_output(easyar_Gyroscope * This, easyar_GyroscopeResultSource * * Return)
- C++
std::shared_ptr<GyroscopeResultSource> output()
- Java
public @Nonnull GyroscopeResultSource output()
- Kotlin
fun output(): GyroscopeResultSource
- Objective-C
- (easyar_GyroscopeResultSource *)output
- Swift
public func output() -> GyroscopeResultSource
- C#
public virtual GyroscopeResultSource output()
Opens the device. Sampling period is defined by implementation. If failed, it will return false.
- C
bool easyar_Gyroscope_open(easyar_Gyroscope * This)
- C++
bool open()
- Java
public boolean open()
- Kotlin
fun open(): Boolean
- Objective-C
- (bool)open
- Swift
public func `open`() -> Bool
- C#
public virtual bool open()
Opens the device with a specific sampling period. Sampling period is limited by hardware and may not reach the specified value. If failed, it will return false.
- C
bool easyar_Gyroscope_openWithSamplingPeriod(easyar_Gyroscope * This, int samplingPeriodMilliseconds)
- C++
bool openWithSamplingPeriod(int samplingPeriodMilliseconds)
- Java
public boolean openWithSamplingPeriod(int samplingPeriodMilliseconds)
- Kotlin
fun openWithSamplingPeriod(samplingPeriodMilliseconds: Int): Boolean
- Objective-C
- (bool)openWithSamplingPeriod:(int)samplingPeriodMilliseconds
- Swift
public func openWithSamplingPeriod(_ samplingPeriodMilliseconds: Int32) -> Bool
- C#
public virtual bool openWithSamplingPeriod(int samplingPeriodMilliseconds)
Closes. It shall not be used after calling close.
- C
void easyar_Gyroscope_close(easyar_Gyroscope * This)
- C++
void close()
- Java
public void close()
- Kotlin
fun close(): Unit
- Objective-C
- (void)close
- Swift
public func close() -> Void
- C#
public virtual void close()
Gets the most recent result. If there is no result, it returns empty.
- C
easyar_OptionalOfGyroscopeResult easyar_Gyroscope_getCurrentResult(easyar_Gyroscope * This)
- C++
std::optional<GyroscopeResult> getCurrentResult()
- Java
public @Nullable GyroscopeResult getCurrentResult()
- Kotlin
fun getCurrentResult(): GyroscopeResult?
- Objective-C
- (easyar_GyroscopeResult *)getCurrentResult
- Swift
public func getCurrentResult() -> GyroscopeResult?
- C#
public virtual Optional<GyroscopeResult> getCurrentResult()