Magnetometer Class¶
Magnetometer calls the magnetometer provided by the operating system, and outputs MagnetometerResult .
When it is not needed anymore, call close function to close it. It shall not be used after calling close.
It is not recommended to open the magnetometer multiple times simultaneously, which may cause failure on open or cause precision downgrade.
- C
void easyar_Magnetometer__ctor(easyar_Magnetometer * * Return)
- C++
- Java
public Magnetometer()
- Kotlin
- Objective-C
+ (easyar_Magnetometer *) create
- Swift
public convenience init()
- C#
public Magnetometer()
Checks if the component is available. It returns true only on Android or iOS with supported hardware. On other operating systems, it is not supported.
- C
bool easyar_Magnetometer_isAvailable(easyar_Magnetometer * This)
- C++
bool isAvailable()
- Java
public boolean isAvailable()
- Kotlin
fun isAvailable(): Boolean
- Objective-C
- (bool)isAvailable
- Swift
public func isAvailable() -> Bool
- C#
public virtual bool isAvailable()
Output port.
- C
void easyar_Magnetometer_output(easyar_Magnetometer * This, easyar_MagnetometerResultSource * * Return)
- C++
std::shared_ptr<MagnetometerResultSource> output()
- Java
public @Nonnull MagnetometerResultSource output()
- Kotlin
fun output(): MagnetometerResultSource
- Objective-C
- (easyar_MagnetometerResultSource *)output
- Swift
public func output() -> MagnetometerResultSource
- C#
public virtual MagnetometerResultSource output()
Opens the device. Sampling period is defined by implementation. If failed, it will return false.
- C
bool easyar_Magnetometer_open(easyar_Magnetometer * This)
- C++
bool open()
- Java
public boolean open()
- Kotlin
fun open(): Boolean
- Objective-C
- (bool)open
- Swift
public func `open`() -> Bool
- C#
public virtual bool open()
Opens the device with a specific sampling period. Sampling period is limited by hardware and may not reach the specified value. If failed, it will return false.
- C
bool easyar_Magnetometer_openWithSamplingPeriod(easyar_Magnetometer * This, int samplingPeriodMilliseconds)
- C++
bool openWithSamplingPeriod(int samplingPeriodMilliseconds)
- Java
public boolean openWithSamplingPeriod(int samplingPeriodMilliseconds)
- Kotlin
fun openWithSamplingPeriod(samplingPeriodMilliseconds: Int): Boolean
- Objective-C
- (bool)openWithSamplingPeriod:(int)samplingPeriodMilliseconds
- Swift
public func openWithSamplingPeriod(_ samplingPeriodMilliseconds: Int32) -> Bool
- C#
public virtual bool openWithSamplingPeriod(int samplingPeriodMilliseconds)
Closes. It shall not be used after calling close.
- C
void easyar_Magnetometer_close(easyar_Magnetometer * This)
- C++
void close()
- Java
public void close()
- Kotlin
fun close(): Unit
- Objective-C
- (void)close
- Swift
public func close() -> Void
- C#
public virtual void close()
Gets the most recent result. If there is no result, it returns empty.
- C
easyar_OptionalOfMagnetometerResult easyar_Magnetometer_getCurrentResult(easyar_Magnetometer * This)
- C++
std::optional<MagnetometerResult> getCurrentResult()
- Java
public @Nullable MagnetometerResult getCurrentResult()
- Kotlin
fun getCurrentResult(): MagnetometerResult?
- Objective-C
- (easyar_MagnetometerResult *)getCurrentResult
- Swift
public func getCurrentResult() -> MagnetometerResult?
- C#
public virtual Optional<MagnetometerResult> getCurrentResult()