
EasyAR Sense 4.5.0 adds some minor features and fixes some issues.

Detailed changes are as below,

+ add timeout parameter to network-related functionalities (CalibrationDownloader.download, CloudLocalizer.resolve, CloudRecognizer.resolve, SparseSpatialMapManager.host, SparseSpatialMapManager.load)
+ add pixelWidth and pixelHeight to Image to support camera image padding
+ add supported device models for MotionTracking
- end support for Android 4.x. the current minimum supported version is 5.0
- remove C++03 API
- stop access of Android Build Serial to meet PlayStore Families Policy Requirements
* update OpenGLES 2.0 to 3.0 in Recorder, VideoPlayer and samples
* update tool version to build SDK: XCode 13
* update tool version to build SDK: Android Gradle Plugin 7.0.0, NDK r23
* update dependency tool versions for samples
* fix problems (ex. distorted screen) on some devices for ARCoreCameraDevice
* fix crash with front camera on iPhone for CameraDevice when calling setFocusMode
* fix some stability problems