EasyAR Sense 4.3.0 adds some minor features and fixes compatibility issues.
Detailed changes are as bellow,
+ add MotionTrackerCameraDevice.getQualityLevel to get Motion Tracking quality on the device+ add MotionTrackerCameraDevice.setTrackingMode to support use of different tracking modes+ add supported device models for MotionTracking+ add compatibility description for ARCoreCameraDevice on Android 11* in MotionTracking, we have optimized hittest* in MotionTracking, we have improved the robustness in big scenes* in DenseSpatialMap, we have decreased block size to optimize performance for incremental update* update XCode to 12 and minimum iOS version to 9.0* update Android Gradle Plugin to 4.1.0 and NDK to r22* fix compatibility issues with HelloARRecording sample on Android 10 and Android 11* fix occasional crashes for CameraDevice with camera2 on Android* fix some stability problems