ARSession.ARCenterMode Enum


AR center mode.






The session will use the first tracked Target as center.

You can move or rotate the Target and the Camera will follow. You cannot manually change the Camera ‘s transform in this mode. The relative transform from Target to Camera is controlled by ARSession.OnFrameUpdate code according to ARAssembly.OutputFrame data every frame.



The session is Camera centered.

You can move or rotate the Camera and the Target will follow. You cannot manually change the Target ‘s transform in this mode. The relative transform from Target to Camera is controlled by ARSession.OnFrameUpdate code according to ARAssembly.OutputFrame data every frame.



The session will use the Target specified by ARSession.CenterTarget as center.

If the specified Target is not found, will fall back to Camera center mode. The relative transform from Target to Camera is controlled by ARSession.OnFrameUpdate code according to ARAssembly.OutputFrame data every frame.



The session will use ARSession.WorldRootController as center.

You can move or rotate the ARSession.WorldRootController and the Camera will follow. You cannot manually change the Camera ‘s transform in this mode. The relative transform from ARSession.WorldRootController to Camera is controlled by ARSession.OnFrameUpdate code according to ARAssembly.OutputFrame data every frame.



The session will behave like ARSession.ARCenterMode.Camera mode, it is a mode designed for docking another AR system, like an AR eyewear SDK which usually has its own control of the Camera and other objects from the system.

Everything from ARAssembly.OutputFrame will be treated as camera centered, but the Camera itself may be controlled by another system or code, while the whole system linked together may have another center.

You can move or rotate the Camera and the Target will follow. You cannot manually change the Target ‘s transform in this mode. The relative transform from Target to Camera is controlled by ARSession.OnFrameUpdate code according to ARAssembly.OutputFrame data every frame.