
EasyAR Sense 4.6.0 adds some minor features and fixes some issues.

Detailed changes are as below,

+ add MegaTracker which integrates CloudLocalizer and RealTimeCoordinateTransform. RealTimeCoordinateTransform will be removed in the next release
+ add CloudLocalizer.resolve parameter to support auxiliary proximity location and compass reading input
+ add Accelerometer.output to match MegaTracker input
+ add MotionTrackerCameraDeviceTrackingMode.LargeScale mode to reduce runaway probability for large scale
+ improve MotionTracking tracking robustness
+ add supported device models for MotionTracking
+ add ImageTracker.setResultPostProcessing, ObjectTracker.setResultPostProcessing, SparseSpatialMap.setResultPoseType to integrate RealTimeCoordinateTransform
+ add ARCore device model list to check if a device support ARCore. add ARCore download guidance in HelloARMotionTracking sample
+ add support for MacOS arm64
- remove iOS armv7 dummy libraries
- end support for iOS 9.x-10.x. the current minimum supported version is 11.0
- stop access of SSAID(ANDROID_ID) on Android to meet regulations in China Mainland. please update as soon as possible if you are affected. in the mean time, since EasyAR Sense 4.6.0, it is not possible to connect to CRS with a DAU(daily active users) billing plan and you will need to transfer to API Usage billing plan
* refine CloudLocalizer and fix handling with camera rotation
* change CloudLocalizerStatus error definition
* simplify TargetInstance and TargetStatus
* fix that callback arguments in Java binding are not automatically released
* update tool version to build SDK: Android Gradle Plugin 7.2.0, NDK r25
* update tool version to build SDK: XCode 14
* fix some stability problems