
EasyAR SDK 2.1.0 has a few new features and some stability improvements. Major highlights are,

  1. New language support.

    EasyAR now support Swift on iOS and Kotlin on Android. We have also included new samples to show how to use Swift and Kotlin with EasyAR SDK.

  2. Android arm64 support.

    From EasyAR SDK 2.1, arm64-v8a binaries for Android are included in the SDK package.

  3. Bug fixes and stability improvements.

    We have fixed a few bugs introduced in EasyAR SDK 2.0, including jni local reference table overflow when calling ImageTarget.setupAll and video playback fail on iOS 11. We have also corrected camera image color output on screen which was a long existing bug.

Detailed changes are as bellow,

+ added new language binding: Swift for iOS
+ added arm64-v8a binaries for Android
+ added new interface (Buffer) for image data access in Android Java API
+ added Android Kotlin sample
+ added iOS dynamic framework sample
* All: all interfaces are now exception free
* All: fixed camera image color display on screen
* Unity: fixed noisy sound after recording on iOS Unity
* Unity: reset RevertBackfacing in OnPostRender if it has been changed in OnPreRender
* Unity: added missing LoadList* interface in ObjectTargetBaseBehaviour
* Unity: do not include audio permission in AndroidManifest by default
* Unity: changed misleading error message of “EasyAR is running on an unsupported graphics device” to “EasyAR is running with an unsupported graphics API”
* Android: Engine API is now ready to replace cn.easyar.engine.EasyAR. cn.easyar.engine.EasyAR is deprecated and will be removed in later releases
* Android: fixed local reference table overflow when calling ImageTarget.setupAll to setup a large number of targets
* Android: fixed irregular drift of SLAM on Android tablets and glasses
* Android: fixed crash when camera permission denied on some rare Android devices
* Android: refined camera resolution selection strategy on some rare Android devices
* iOS: fixed video playback on iOS 11
* iOS: frameworks are not signed now
* iOS: fixed camera display in some rare resolutions on some devices
* iOS: fixed memory leak in recording
* Sample: renamed Unity sample namespace and files, to make clear boundaries between sample code and the SDK
* Sample: removed local targets from HelloARCloud samples
* Sample: refined message display for Android/iOS HelloARQRCode sample when QR code is detected
* Sample: turn on IL2CPP on iOS Unity by default
* other refines and bug fixes