JniUtility Class¶
JNI utility class.
It is used in Unity to wrap Java byte array and ByteBuffer.
It is not supported on iOS.
Wraps Java's byte[]。
- C
void easyar_JniUtility_wrapByteArray(void * bytes, bool readOnly, easyar_FunctorOfVoid deleter, easyar_Buffer * * Return)
- C++
static std::shared_ptr<Buffer> wrapByteArray(void * bytes, bool readOnly, std::function<void()> deleter)
- Java
public static @Nonnull Buffer wrapByteArray(long bytes, boolean readOnly, @Nonnull FunctorOfVoid deleter)
- Kotlin
companion object fun wrapByteArray(bytes: Long, readOnly: Boolean, deleter: FunctorOfVoid): Buffer
- Objective-C
+ (easyar_Buffer *)wrapByteArray:(void *)bytes readOnly:(bool)readOnly deleter:(void (^)())deleter
- Swift
public static func wrapByteArray(_ bytes: OpaquePointer?, _ readOnly: Bool, _ deleter: @escaping () -> Void) -> Buffer
- C#
public static Buffer wrapByteArray(IntPtr bytes, bool readOnly, Action deleter)
Wraps Java's java.nio.ByteBuffer, which must be a direct buffer.
- C
void easyar_JniUtility_wrapBuffer(void * directBuffer, easyar_FunctorOfVoid deleter, easyar_Buffer * * Return)
- C++
static std::shared_ptr<Buffer> wrapBuffer(void * directBuffer, std::function<void()> deleter)
- Java
public static @Nonnull Buffer wrapBuffer(long directBuffer, @Nonnull FunctorOfVoid deleter)
- Kotlin
companion object fun wrapBuffer(directBuffer: Long, deleter: FunctorOfVoid): Buffer
- Objective-C
+ (easyar_Buffer *)wrapBuffer:(void *)directBuffer deleter:(void (^)())deleter
- Swift
public static func wrapBuffer(_ directBuffer: OpaquePointer?, _ deleter: @escaping () -> Void) -> Buffer
- C#
public static Buffer wrapBuffer(IntPtr directBuffer, Action deleter)
Get the raw address of a direct buffer of java.nio.ByteBuffer by calling JNIEnv->GetDirectBufferAddress.
- C
void * easyar_JniUtility_getDirectBufferAddress(void * directBuffer)
- C++
static void * getDirectBufferAddress(void * directBuffer)
- Java
public static long getDirectBufferAddress(long directBuffer)
- Kotlin
companion object fun getDirectBufferAddress(directBuffer: Long): Long
- Objective-C
+ (void *)getDirectBufferAddress:(void *)directBuffer
- Swift
public static func getDirectBufferAddress(_ directBuffer: OpaquePointer?) -> OpaquePointer?
- C#
public static IntPtr getDirectBufferAddress(IntPtr directBuffer)
Get the JNI global pointer for a Java object.
- Java
public static long Buffer newJniGlobalPointer(java.lang.@Nonnull Object obj)
- Kotlin
companion object fun newJniGlobalPointer(obj: java.lang.Object): Long
Release the JNI global pointer for a Java object.
- Java
public static long Buffer newJniGlobalPointer(java.lang.@Nonnull Object obj)
- Kotlin
companion object fun newJniGlobalPointer(obj: java.lang.Object): Long