ARScene Class

Inherits: Base


EasyAR implements SLAM on Android and iOS devices with special optimizations, it is not recommended to run SLAM on Windows or Mac. The algorithm effects will be totally different. SLAM for Windows and Mac is only for development purpose, to ease content creation.

ARScene represents SLAM targets that can be tracked by ARSceneTrackerBaseBehaviour.

There should be only one ARScene in the scene.

Public Properties

int Id
string MetaData
string Name
string Uid
Target Target

Public Functions

static ARScene FromTarget(Target target)

int Id

The target id. A target id is a int number generated at runtime, it is valid (non-zero) only after a successful setup.

string Uid

The target uid. A target uid is useful in cloud based algorithms. If no cloud is used, you can set this uid in the json config as an alternative method to distinguish from targets.

string Name

The target name.

string MetaData

The meta data.

A set operation will set the data as string. It will erase previously set data or data from cloud.

Target Target

Convert to Target.

static ARScene FromTarget(Target target)

Convert Target to ARScene.