ARAssembly Class¶
Assembly of AR components. It implements one typical assemble strategy for all EasyAR Sense components.
+-- .-- .-- .-- .-- .-- .-- .-- .-- .-- .-- .-- .-- .-- .-- .-- .-- .-- .-- .-- .-- .-- .-- .-- .-- .-- .-- .-- .--+
| .
. +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | | .
. | + -> ObjectTracker - - - - + | |
| v ' ' | .
. +--> i2FAdapter --> fbFrameFork - - > ImageTracker - - - + ' | |
| | ' ' | .
v | v v | |
FrameSource .--> iFrameThrottler --> iFrameFork --> i2OAdapter ------------------------------------> oFrameJoin --> oFrameFork --> oFrameBuffer ~~> o
| | ' ^ ^ ^
v | ' ' ' '
InputFrameRecorder | + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > Mega*Tracker- - + ' '
| | ' ' '
v | + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > SparseSpatialMap - + '
(VideoInputFrameRecorder) ' '
+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > SurfaceTracker - - - -+
+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > DenseSpatialMap ~ ~ > o
+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > CloudRecognizer ~ ~ > o
- C#
public FrameSource FrameSource { get; }
Frame source.
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public Optional< FrameRecorder > FrameRecorder { get; }
Frame recorder. The value depends on your configuration on the recorder.
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public List< FrameFilter > FrameFilters { get; }
FrameFilter list.
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public Camera Camera { get; }
On desktop or mobile phones, it represents the Camera in the virtual world in reflection of real world camera device, its projection matrix and transform will be set to reflect the real world camera, and it is controlled by EasyAR. On head mounted displays, it is only used to display some diagnostics message in front of your eyes, it is not used for camera image rendering, it is not controled by EasyAR.
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public Optional< CameraImageRenderer > CameraImageRenderer { get; }
Camera image renderer. If has no value if EasyAR does not control image rendering, when using AR Foundation or HMD.
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public Optional< GameObject > Origin { get; }
Origin of session when one type of motion tracking is running.
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public IReadOnlyList< ARSession.ARCenterMode > AvailableCenterMode { get; }
Available center mode. Vary when using different frame source.
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public int ExtraBufferCapacity { get; set; }
Extra device buffer capacity. When you hold a OutputFrame/InputFrame or image from InputFrame for more than one render frame, you should increase this value by one.
- C#
public IDisplay Display { get; }
Display information used by the assembly.