
EasyAR Sense 4.4.0 adds support for EasyAR Cloud SpatialMap, adds some minor features and fixes some issues.

EasyAR Cloud SpatialMap provides city-scale AR cloud solution, and empowers culture and tourism, business area, education, industry and many other businesses with flexible acquisition scheme, leading mapping and localization ability and user-friendly toolchain.

Detailed changes are as below,

++ add CloudLocalizer to support EasyAR Cloud SpatialMap
+ add RealTimeCoordinateTransform for EasyAR Motion Fusion
+ use xcframework to organize frameworks for iOS and MacOS
+ add supported device models for MotionTracking
+ add focus control API for ARKit/ARCore: ARCoreCameraDevice.setFocusMode, ARKitCameraDevice.setFocusMode
+ add accelerometer API: Accelerometer
- remove iOS static framework. please use dynamic framework instead
- remove MacOS bundle. please use framework or dylib instead
- C++03 API is deprecated. it will be removed in a later version. please use C++17 or C API instead. the sample is removed
* change jcenter to mavenCentral in Android samples for jcenter shutdown
* fix crashes in MotionTracking on repeatedly entries and exits
* fix hanging in MotionTracking on some devices
* optimize iOS sample release package size
* fix a problem in ImageTracking that targets may lost right after being detected
* fix a problem in ImageTracking that some target images can not be loaded for tracking
* fix a problem in ImageTarget.save on MacOS that Unicode character path can not be used
* fix a problem in CameraDevice that callbacks stop functioning after calling open
* fix a problem in CameraDevice on Android that callbacks set after calling start will not be activated
* fix some stability problems