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Demonstrate how to use motion fusion to extend tracking started from image.

  • Demonstrate how to track image more stable using EasyAR motion fusion

  • Demonstrate how to extend tracking using EasyAR motion fusion

This sample will use VIO function to keep tracking when image tracking lost and keep 3d content in the scene.

Reference: EasyAR Motion Fusion, Motion Tracking and EasyAR Features.

How to Use


Turn OFF/ON Motion Fusion: Turn OFF/ON Motion Fusion

How It Works

Use motion fusion

A device capable of motion tracking is required to use motion fusion. Please reference Motion Tracking and EasyAR Features.

In this sample, ARSession will choose a motion tracking feature according to their availabilities. It will fall back to normal image tracking if there is no motion tracking feature available.


To use motion fusion, ImageTrackerFrameFilter.ResultType should be set to turn on both EnablePersistentTargetInstance EnableMotionFusion.


Also, ImageTargetController.ActiveControl should be set to ActiveControlStrategy.HideBeforeFirstFound


Motion fusion on/off

ImageTrackerFrameFilter.ResultType can be used to control motion fusion in runtime.

public void SwitchMotionFusion(bool on)
    tracker.ResultType = new ImageTrackerFrameFilter.ResultParameters { EnablePersistentTargetInstance = on, EnableMotionFusion = on };