Dump Session¶
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ARSession running status including some critical infomation of each component can be collected at runtime. These infomation can greatly help to understand EasyAR running and analyze problems.
You can control how these status to display using configurations on ARSession. These values only apply to current session. DiagnosticsController will be created using default values at runtime if session was created from an old version of plugin.

Configurable options are,
Popup (default)
Display on UI on phone or PC and update each frame. Display 5 meters in front of eye on head mounted displays.
Output message in system log. It may have impact on performance due to log output each frame, suggest using when develop or test.
Do not display at anywhere.
Meanwhile, you can reference DiagnosticsController.DumpSessionLite and some other internal methods to collect infomation on your own. This interface may change in the future so it is not public right now. But you can always reference its implementation to do the same job.
Suggest to set to default Popup
config at development or testing stage. The infomation displayed is essential when communicating with EasyAR team.
Suggest to set to None
only after app published to app store or offline operation, and keep a way to turn on Popup
or collect these infomation using other systems. EasyAR team will ask for these infomation from you or your users to analyze running status of EasyAR when you reporting some issue.
In most cases, troubleshooting and problem analyzing should be done at application side first when app encounter some problem after publish to store. Most issues can only be solved smoothly after eliminating application problems first and collecting enough infomation. There are quite a lot of 3rd party log collecting and analyzing platforms, and it is recommended to be used in your app. If you do not have experiences or resources using such platform, it is always suggested to keep a way (even if it is hidden) to tun on Popup
to let user feedback what they see as a simple solution.
EasyAR will provide more data collecting solution at incoming new versions. Always remember, the right of control of these methods are always at application’s side. It is a good practice to maintain a passthrough for problem diagnostics.