Best practice for adding targets

To better recognize your target images, we recommend developers upload images with rich texture features and not blur. On the other hand, we suggest developers not upload similar images as target, even our CRS will compute the most matched one.

We strongly recommend developers never POST targets directly and follow this best practice to manage your targets.

First: Find similar/conflict target
  • Help check whether your new target image has similar existed target. If exists, we suggest choose the best one you want, or CRS will compute the most matched one. <br>

  • Refer API: POST /similar/

Second: Grade the target image about “Difficulty to Recognize”
  • By this API, you will get a score about “Difficulty to Recognize Target”. We strongly recommend you upload a new clear and rich-textured image if difficulty score > 2, or this target may never be recognized. <br>

  • Refer API: POST /grade/detection/

Third: Upload new target