
EasyAR Sense 4.2.0 adds some minor features and fixes to improve user experience.

Detailed changes are as bellow,

+ add an iOS version which removed Recording and VideoPlayer for privacy policy compliance requirement of some applications on Apple App Store
+ add a framework version of SDK for MacOS
+ enable pause/resume and expose total time, current time, initial screen rotation and isCompleted for FrameRecorder playback
+ CameraDevice implementation on Android is extracted into HelloARCustomCamera sample for easy modification
+ add ProGuard rule in aar on Android and it is not necessary to specify the rule manually
+ on MotionTracking, we have optimized plane detection and improved tracking robustness and relocation capability
+ add MotionTracker calibration data network update (CalibrationDownloader)
+ add supported device models for MotionTracking
+ add CameraDeviceSelector.getFocusMode to get recommended focus mode when using SurfaceTracking or MotionTracking
+ add Storage.setAssetDirPath to set root directory for loading files such as image targets
+ add Log.setLogFuncWithScheduler for use of a custom log function when thread-safety is not able or not convenient to be ensured
* update Android platforms samples to target Android 11 (API Level 30)
* fix some stability problems