EasyAR Cloud Recognition


Cloud Recognition is aiming to detect textured planar objects in real life just like the Planar Image Tracking. Coupled with EasyAR CRS, where the Target image data is stored, Cloud Recognition will request the recognition results from cloud by senting client camera frames.

You need to place your target images in the EasyAR CRS management system for using Cloud Recognition. Please refer to EasyAR CRS for more details.


Images requirements of Cloud Recognition is exactly the same as Planar Image Tracking. You could refer to EasyAR Planar Image Tracking.


You should place your target images in the EasyAR CRS first, then a couple of keys are needed to be completed before runing Cloud Recognition. Keys here can be found at your EasyAR Portal, including Cloud Key, Cloud Sercet, Cloud URLs, etc.

Continue with EasyAR EasyAR Sense Samples

You can reference HelloARCloud sample for different platforms.

Here are introductions for how to use those samples for different platforms.

API Reference