Assets Introduction

You can find different packages of the plugin and samples on the download page.

EasyAR Sense Unity Plugin

This is the plugin itself. It is useful when you are looking for a pure plugin package to create AR scenes from scratch or making an upgrade of the plugin.

All files in the package are listed below

├── EasyAR         # this is where the plugin files are located
│   ├── Prefabs    #   plugin prefabs to help fast AR scene build
│   ├── Resources  #   plugin resources referenced by the scripts or objects
│   ├── Scripts    #   plugin scripts, including csapi from EasyAR Sense
│   └── Shaders    #   plugin shaders referenced by the scripts or objects
└── Plugins        # this is where the EasyAR Sense libraries and dependencies are located
    ├── Android    #   EayAR Sense Android libraries and dependencies
    ├── iOS        #   EayAR Sense iOS libraries and dependencies
    ├── x64        #   EayAR Sense Windows x64 libraries and dependencies
    └── x86        #   EayAR Sense Windows x86 libraries and dependencies

COMPATIBILITY NOTICE: It is not a good choice to change any files from this package or the same files from other packages. You will find another way to reach the same result in most of the case. That is because the plugin do not guarantee compatibilities of the files, all things inside the EasyAR folder and Plugins folder are internal resources which will change without notification between releases.

You will not find any samples or scenes which can run in this package. It is suggested to use samples package first if you are new or not familiar with EasyAR Sense Unity Plugin.

EasyAR Sense Unity Plugin Samples

This is the package for samples. It has the full EasyAR Sense Unity Plugin package inside, so a separate EasyAR Sense Unity Plugin package is not required when using the samples.

The samples are separated into a few packages to reduce misleading. This package contains most samples. CustomCamera samples and Eyewear samples are not in this package, because there are some different files or configurations in the package.

├── EasyAR    # same with the folder in the EasyAR Sense Unity Plugin package
├── Plugins   # same with the folder in the EasyAR Sense Unity Plugin package
├── Samples                     # this is where all sample files are located
│   ├── Assets                  #   sample assets
│   │   ├── AllSamplesLauncher  #     launcher to launch all samples
│   │   ├── Common              #     common assets which are used in all samples
│   │   ├── DeviceSupport       #     assets of device support samples
│   │   ├── ObjectSensing       #     assets of object sensing samples
│   │   └── WorldSensing        #     assets of world sensing samples
│   └── Scenes                  #   sample scenes
│       ├── DeviceSupport       #     scenes of device support samples
│       ├── ObjectSensing       #     scenes of object sensing samples
│       └── WorldSensing        #     scenes of world sensing samples
└── StreamingAssets             # streaming assets used by the samples

If you are new to EasyAR Sense Unity Plugin, start from this package is suggested. You can reference How to Use Samples to start the journey with EasyAR Sense Unity Plugin.

EasyAR Sense Unity Plugin Sample CustomCamera

This is the package for CustomCamera samples. It has the full EasyAR Sense Unity Plugin package inside, so a separate EasyAR Sense Unity Plugin package is not required when using the samples.

This sample is separated from other samples because it has some special files in the Plugins folder.

├── EasyAR    # same with the folder in the EasyAR Sense Unity Plugin package
├── Plugins   # it has EasyAR Sense libraries and dedicated files used in the sample
├── Samples          # this is where sample files are located
└── StreamingAssets  # streaming assets used by the samples

EasyAR Sense Unity Plugin Sample Eyewear

This is the package for Eyewear samples. It has the full EasyAR Sense Unity Plugin package inside, so a separate EasyAR Sense Unity Plugin package is not required when using the samples.

This sample is separated from other samples because it has some special configurations in the AndroidManifest.xml in Plugins folder.

├── EasyAR    # same with the folder in the EasyAR Sense Unity Plugin package
├── Plugins   # it has EasyAR Sense libraries and dedicated files used in the sample
├── Samples          # this is where sample files are located
└── StreamingAssets  # streaming assets used by the samples